Effect of Environment on Quality Characteristics of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Pollen
A study was designed to determine the variability of 12 quality measurements in pollen of alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., through a 2-year period and to determine correlation among these quality measurements and between pollen quality and weather. Pollen germination and tube growth at 0 and 20 g sucrose per 100 ml water, pollen grain size, and Fehling solution color index varied significantly with sampling date. Many of the correlation coefficients determined among germination, tube length, and pollen grain size were significant. Almost all coefficients between these characters and IKI and Fehling solution classes were near zero. Significant r values were found between 6 of the 12 pollen quality characters and most of the weather measurements. Day length was correlated with more quality characters than any of the other weather measurements.