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Volume 48, Issue 6 p. 2051-2065
Review & Interpretation

The Fate and Transport of Phosphorus in Turfgrass Ecosystems

Douglas J. Soldat

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Douglas J. Soldat

Dep. of Soil Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1225 Observatory Dr., Madison, WI, 53706

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A. Martin Petrovic

A. Martin Petrovic

Dep. of Horticulture, Cornell University, 27 Plant Science Bldg., Ithaca, NY, 14853

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First published: 01 November 2008
Citations: 75

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Phosphorus losses from turfgrass areas are perceived to contribute to water quality problems, yet a comprehensive review of P fate in turfgrass ecosystems is lacking. According to available data in the literature, phosphorus fertilizer inputs (2–10 kg ha−1) slightly exceed the estimated outputs of phosphorus in clippings (0.4–7.5 kg ha−1). Sediment losses from turf areas are negligible, generally limited to establishment, but runoff and leaching losses of P vary from inconsequential to severe depending on rate, source, and timing of fertilizer application. Soil properties were found to have a larger effect on runoff volume than vegetative properties. Highest runoff and leaching losses of P occurred when rainfall occurred or was simulated shortly after P fertilizer application. Leaching losses of P have historically been considered relatively minor; however, the limited research results available indicate that annual P leaching losses from mineral soils (0.2–0.7 kg ha−1) are similar in magnitude to runoff-P losses from turfgrass systems. One major gap in the knowledge is how P sources other than fertilizer (i.e., soil and plant tissue) and irrigation affect runoff and leaching losses of P.