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Using Soil Phosphorus Profile Data to Assess Phosphorus Leaching Potential in Manured Soils
Corresponding Author
Peter J. A. Kleinman
USDA-ARS, Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit, Curtin Road, University Park, PA, 16802-3702
Corresponding author ([email protected])Search for more papers by this authorBrian A. Needelman
Dep. Natural Resource Sciences and Landscape Architecture, Univ. Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742
Search for more papers by this authorAndrew N. Sharpley
USDA-ARS, Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit, Curtin Road, University Park, PA, 16802-3702
Search for more papers by this authorRichard W. McDowell
USDA-ARS, Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit, Curtin Road, University Park, PA, 16802-3702
Search for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author
Peter J. A. Kleinman
USDA-ARS, Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit, Curtin Road, University Park, PA, 16802-3702
Corresponding author ([email protected])Search for more papers by this authorBrian A. Needelman
Dep. Natural Resource Sciences and Landscape Architecture, Univ. Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742
Search for more papers by this authorAndrew N. Sharpley
USDA-ARS, Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit, Curtin Road, University Park, PA, 16802-3702
Search for more papers by this authorRichard W. McDowell
USDA-ARS, Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit, Curtin Road, University Park, PA, 16802-3702
Search for more papers by this authorAbstract
Transport of P by subsurface flow pathways can be an important mechanism of P transfer from land to water, particularly in manured soils that are artificially drained. This study was conducted to determine whether detailed description and interpretation of soil P profile data provide adequate insight into P leaching potential. Evidence of P translocation within soil profiles of a tile-drained Buchanan (fine-loamy, mixed, semiactive, mesic Aquic Fragiudult)-Hartleton (loamy-skeletal, mixed, active, mesic Typic Hapludults) catena was assessed by measuring oxalate-extractable P, P sorption saturation, Mehlich-3 P, water-extractable P in bulk and clay film samples obtained from individual horizons. Tile-drain monitoring and column leaching experiments were conducted to evaluate interpretations derived from soil P profile data. Soil P fractions were not correlated with P losses in lysimeter studies, indicating the limited potential of using soil profile P data for quantitative prediction of leaching losses. Application of manure to the soil surface resulted in significant increases in leachate P concentrations from the lysimeters. Soil profile P data did, however, provide some evidence of long-term P leaching. While bulk horizon samples did not indicate significant long-term P translocation to soil depths corresponding with artificial drainage, some clay film samples had significantly elevated oxalate P, P sorption saturation and Mehlich-3 P at lower depths. Elevated P concentrations in clay films may be associated with preferential transport of P along soil macropores, although, not all clay films sampled in this study were necessarily associated with active macropores. Thus, soil P profile data appear to provide limited insight into P leaching potential.
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